hot teacher.cher JEEDS JELUDDINhappy 26th birthday.oldno lah. happy birthday! happy birthday JASON LEONG WEI HONG
he's the dude there, yea, the tall dude.
he's 14(Y)
happy 14th birthday
Asst. Captain of Natball Team In Here!..
oppss.. i didn't mean to put the title that way but i'm really bored.
btw, i wanna asked you guys, the players as well as EVERYONE is 8B's opinions about the name of our team!
that's all i wanna asked.
we'll be discussing this tomorrow.
Everyone's opinion will be appreciated.
p.s: tell me in school tomorrow, in my cbox, in facebook or in anyway lah! ish...:P
Hey hey, I wanna post about our homeworks today as a favor to Rach. So Rach, here is the homeworks.....Maths- The Equations on a Straight Line thingy page 241-242, no 1cdgh, 2cdgh, 3ac and 7abce.Science- the paper yg cher hayatul bagi tadi.Malay- the Ayat Aktif and Pasif Latihan....And that's all... yang lain aku tidak tahu coz maybe yg the others atu I wasn't in school. So TATA *wink and waves*
cassy is here and she's mad at every thing!!!
hey guys! i'm here..since i'm ban-i don't know who ban me..probably the ban-ing is too strong!- i'll flood this blog post! what can i do?? i want to tell and ask something pun tidak boleh! sasat wah! yesh rach..aku sdh banyak kali flood but i still one!!! ahahha...
anyway..back to my flooding mood:
hello guys!!!!! ahahahahahhahahahhahahahaha
so so so so so so so so so so so boring
can't even flood my OWN class cbox!
it sucks!
it's iissshhhh.
at least i'm enjoying.
hey Mum..the H1N1 had already reached up to 330+..
i don't know how much..
.if you want to know the lastest news...
if you all wanna!
Yes rachel!
me too!
i miss the jolibee...
and and and
at the moment...
i'm not fit at all too!!!
that time when running...
breathless already after a few times..
Hai yo!!!
we all need to exercise ah!
if no exercise ah,
we won't make out immune system stronger.
If it's weak...
then it's easy to catch the diseases!
there's just few ways to make our body to defeat the virus!
1. Drink water everyday.
2. drink milk. it contain a lot of vitamins and bla bla bla!
3. exercise!
if we don't exercise..
h0w can we be strong??
hai yo..
the goverment don't even
think like that kan???
very disappointing.
what use of it??
someone asked...
"when we sweat...
our body system is functioning.
up and down,
the blood goes.
Killing all the
unwanted virus.
so what if i'm talking crap.
I will only advice people
if there are my friends.
I know someone who take my advices.
won't tell who. =.='
what the heck?
bla bla bla
Dear friends of cassy(year8b),
remember this!!!
Friends, you are all special to me.
without my friends, i'm nothing.
i want everyone to be healthy.
no illness.
no faculty.
and be happy most of the time.
i'm cassy!!!
yesh..that was a letter to all of my friends!
it's no joke! seriously! i always having fun or serious???
which one suits me??
i'm going to see u all tomorrow wah!
got to go!
low bat already!
because i said so.
ya'aw ;) i haven't posted on this blog for a VERY long time. so since saya berasa sangat bosan, let's fill this post with crap!
first up, H1N1. *crowd gasps* how many cases udah kan? i lost track of the Brunei H1N1 mainstream weeks ago.
secondly, netball practice =D aku batah udah inda main netball jan, sadih saya ni.
third and foremost. i don't have a third topic. SIGH. well, in that case, i'll end this post here.
-Zahra Ghazali (: i need kopiko.
1, 2, 3... smile
Dear 8B,
Tomorrow, Wednesday please wear complete school uniform for class photo at the Gymnasium. Time to be confirmed.
Inform the others aye,
teacher is here post, isn't it cassy the one posting it? HAHA! si cassy spam byk kaliah. *banana dance* till here guys, see you guys so really soon. :p
xx, rach.
Teacher is here!... need to greet you guys lah..EVERY school day we'll meet. But then, still got to greet....
Hello guys!!!!!!! ahahaha.yeah yeah yeah
anyway guys, i wanna remind u guys that tomorrow ada geography test. Please lah.walaupun sekejap saja pun least study lah!
mhmm...since i'm posting ...DO YOU KNOW I'M BAN FROM THE CBOX OF 8B????? i can't write anything i want because i want to flood it!!!!!!!!! i never spam before;)
so please NINA..unban me!
Hey hey, just wanna blog this blog..... looks like mr. Bloggy here is lama sudah inda kena blog. Kesian ehh....ish ish ish, tsk tsk tsk, HA HA HA.... APAKAN. Panat ehh... Ok, I think I'm sick now. My temperature is getting hot by minutes or seconds or mili seconds. Wathever..... Baik ku ke hospital... Esuk saja lerr~.... Bh bh, me got to go, hope Mr. Bloggy here is happy with my shorty posty, aha... Bah, byeeeeee
Woah, baru ya. Last day kena blog this blog is on 25 June. How many days kn dh tu??? *counting* WOW, 15 DAYS DH or something. Coz I think aku count salah, hehe. Btw, you guys have any idea for this year netball team's name. I want yang baru punya, don't want to use last year's name and we need design for this year's class/netball jerseys. So, if you guys have any idea with the name and the design, tell me ah.Saja, just to make early preparation. AHAX. poklen ehh.Bh bh, that's all that's all. Me stop here sja and please blog the 8Bs blog you guys. Mcm kena abandone wh the blog ahh, kesiaaaaaaan. Ish ish ish. HAHAHAHA. Bh, I'M OUT YOAH!!!-Jan16-