RED LORRY! YELLOW LORRY! say it tens times faster.
HAH. I know your trying, your twisting that tongue of yours going "RED LOYEE YEYOW LOYEEE" . And now that you have read this, blush all you want. Embarrassing.
But i'm not. Embarrassed. Im not embarrassed you see, 'cause I CAN DO IT. HAH! BITE ME!
Im invincible. Exaggerating much?
And so as to Zahra's little preppy-rule-list thing, im sorry but for some idiotic reason. MY JERSEY IS TOO BIG FOR ME. What the heck? It was MY very sick size last year. WHY AM I NOT EATING??
-Im in that mood, where I feel like vomiting looking at food. Im only hungry, for books.
Exactly, I know what you are thinking. You're thinking, WHAT MOOD???!!??? apkan, not hungry kah? If so, say so laaa.
When I am freakishly mad and want to kick a baby , I read a book.
When Im bored, I read a book.
When my grades are not what I wanted...and I studied hell off, I refuse to cry. I would prefer to read a book.
When you ask a girl how she gets those grades, and she simply answers last minute studying. And I feel like hurling a book at her... but I cant 'cause were great friends. I read a book.
When my hand feels like bleeding after typing endless scripts and stories onto my computer journal, where even as I private as those pages are, I feel like someones reading them behind my back. I read a book.
When memories of....her. Before she died, comes into my head. I read a book. A sad one. With a hopefully, a happy ending.
-if not a happy ending, well a tleast a gratifying one.
Im not pretty sure about you, hon. But reading, to me. Isn't a hobby. Nor is it an obsession. Its just what keeps me going, like a human. What keeps me moving on, like the reason we have saliva. So the tongue will not be dry.
- I know this post started with a "im a happy-go-lucky" girl to the last thing you would want to read. But, bare with me here. I havn't blog-ed in ages.Its pure,mental torture. So if I made a pact not to blog, then maybe I meant "not to blog on my official blog". Its different, when you're blogging on other blogs.
Bye? I guess so, goodbye.
A very crappy post. Made by Nina Saiful=)