Don't forget 1B, if we ever go seperate ways. Never forget....just whatever happens...never forget....
BELLA ME DO.Why?cause she's cool.No, she's the cooliest.
In the future, when I become like supreme ruler of this world and you are working for me, always look back on "those-days"
So many memorable times in 1B ryte? Like the one time, I told teacher our REAL homework and you all forgot to do it and and I was the ONLY one who didnt get in trouble. And that one time I spilled Ketchup and Milo over ALL of Jason's books and until now he doesnt know. Oh and the one time I switched Rachel's pen with the one that looks like mines, cause mines was out of ink. And the one time, I lied to Mia that Santa Clause was real...owh owh owh..and the one time I drivedMum crazy playing Uno Speed , cause I pretended to not know how to play the game. So she would go easy on me, so I would win. Good times aye?HAHAHAHAAHAHHA. Ok, don't worry everything Ihave just told you was a lie, a lie. Goodbye.(hey that rymes?score!)
Let us all take a glimpse of how the future could look like,
-Bella Me Do